9 symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency!

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is super important for our body to work right. It helps make red blood cells, keeps the nervous system in good shape, and aids in DNA formation. So, a lack of it can cause serious health issues.

In this article, we’ll look at 9 symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and talk about what causes it.

Main symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency:

  • Anemia
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Reduced vision
  • Depression and neurological problems
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches and trouble concentrating
  • Digestive issues
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Pain, numbness, and tingling in hands, arms, legs, and feet

What causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

It occurs when you don’t get enough B12 or your body can’t absorb it well. Here are some common reasons:

  • Low B12 diet: If your diet lacks B12-rich foods or fortified products, you may be deficient.
  • Stomach Inflammation (Gastritis): Inflammation in the stomach lining affects hydrochloric acid production, needed for B12 absorption.
  • Pernicious anemia: A rare condition where the body doesn’t make intrinsic factor, required for B12 absorption.
  • Digestive system diseases: Conditions like Crohn’s or celiac disease hinder B12 absorption.
  • Gastrointestinal surgery: Surgeries like gastric bypass affect the body’s ability to absorb B12.
  • Excessive alcohol use: Too much alcohol harms the digestive system, impacting B12 absorption.
  • Genetic B12 transport problem: Transcobalamin II deficiency, a rare condition, stops proper B12 transport in the body.

9 foods rich in Vitamin B12

Here are 9 great sources of vitamin B12:

  1. Liver: Not everyone likes it, but it’s a rich B12 source. It’s also high in iron and B6, which help with energy.
  2. Seafood: Shellfish like oysters and cockles are high in B12. 100 g of cockles has 80 – 100 µg of B12.
  3. Salmon: A tasty B12 source, with about 3 µg per 100 g. It’s also high in protein and omega-3s, good for heart and brain.
  4. Tuna: Another common fish and a great B12 source.
  5. Ground beef: A popular choice for protein and B12.
  6. Milk: Milk and other dairy products contain B12.
  7. Plain yogurt: 150g of plain yogurt has about 1µg of B12. It’s also a good source of calcium and probiotics for gut health.
  8. Eggs: A good option with about 0.6 µg of B12 per egg.
  9. Fortified foods and breakfast cereals: A good excuse to eat more cereal and get more B12 in your diet.