Jean tried to reconnect Jono with his birth parents. When letters failed, she adopted him in 1990.
“I have two birthdays. My mom chose me,” Jono said.
Jono adores Jean, calling her an angel in a Facebook post.
As a teen, Jono was rebellious, drinking and trying to buy friends.
“I was so alone.”
But with Jean’s support and his own strength, he turned his life around.
Now 36, Jono helps those with Treacher Collins syndrome and leads a team for autistic adults.
He meets with children, gives hope, and speaks to parents. He’s an inspirational speaker and educator.
“My parents still avoid me. But my attitude changed. It’s powerful. I wouldn’t change a thing,” he says.
Jono befriended two-year-old Zackary Walton, who was bullied.