People who have this line on their hand are very special.

Palmistry, a divination from over 5,000 years ago in China and India, is passed down. It predicts the future from hand lines. One line brings luck. Find out!

On the hand, three main lines are long and visible. The heart line’s at the top, the head line’s in the middle, and the life line’s at the bottom. These change with life, based on personality, attitudes, and experiences. But what do they mean?

The life line represents life events. It starts between index and thumb and circles the thumb. A long, clear one means a stable life (length isn’t tied to lifespan). An interrupted one signals a risk or big event. To guess the risk time, convert centimeters to years. The line’s middle is life’s middle.

The heart line is famous. Long, straight, and clear? A great love story. Short? Maybe you’re a bit cold. Interrupted? A breakup or heart issue.