| The SCENE That Took the Benny Hill Show off the Air for Good

The controversial scene aired in one of the final episodes. Benny Hill played a lecherous old man chasing young women. In a scene that many found distasteful, his character cornered a young woman suggestively, sparking backlash.

The response was quick and harsh. Viewers and critics slammed the scene as sexist and out of touch. Letters flooded the network, criticizing the show’s use of old, offensive tropes. Feminist groups and watchdogs joined the outcry, calling for its cancellation.

The Benny Hill Show had critics but also loyal fans. By the early 1990s, the cultural scene had changed a lot.

Shows that used sexist, racist, and other prejudiced humor were being reevaluated. The backlash against this show was part of a push for more socially conscious TV.