Dad gave the key into our hands. “Say you’ll build a beautiful life there. That’s all we’ve ever wanted.”
Philip, Daniel’s father, stepped forward from the shadows.
Rosie’s face contorted. “What are YOU doing here?”
“Watching karma finally catch up to you, dear.” He smiled.
“You see, everyone, there’s something else you should know. The actual arrangement was that I would cover the wedding expenses, while Jim and Susan focused on Katie and Daniel’s future. But Rosie here has been taking credit for my contributions… just like she’s been living off my alimony payments for the past two decades.”
Rosie’s face turned an interesting shade of purple that clashed spectacularly with her dress. “You… you…”
“Me, me!” Philip mocked. “Maybe it’s time for you to leave, Rosie. Isn’t that what you wanted others to do?”
I hugged my parents tight, tears flowing freely now. “I love you both so much.”
Mom kissed my cheek. “We love you more, sweetheart. We always will.”
“Well,” Daniel grinned.
“I guess this means we won’t have to house hunt during our honeymoon after all.”
The remainder of the night felt like a dream.
“You know,”
“Aunt Rosie’s been telling everyone she orchestrated this whole wedding herself. Called herself the ‘sole patron’ at last week’s garden club meeting. Guess that story’s d3ad now.”
“Along with her social calendar,” Daniel’s Aunt Amy added with a wicked grin. “The Ladies’ Auxiliary Board meets tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear her explain this one.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t protect you both from her more. I thought keeping the peace would be better, but I was wrong. So wrong,” Philip said.
Daniel’s dad pulled me aside. “You know what the best rev3nge is, Katie?”
He smiled: “Living well. And thanks to your parents, you two are off to a fantastic start.”