Steam Inhalation Breathing in steam moistens and loosens the mucus, so it’s easier to cough out. You can do this by bending over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head or by using a steam inhaler.
Warm Compress Putting a warm compress on your chest or throat can help with that stuffed-up feeling and loosen the mucus. Just warm up a clean towel with hot water, squeeze out the extra water, and put it on the sore spot.
Honey and Lemon Mix a tablespoon of honey with warm water or herbal tea and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Honey soothes your throat, and lemon helps break down the mucus. Ginger, garlic, and spicy peppers like cayenne can also help clear the mucus and get rid of phlegm faster.
Humidifier Using a humidifier to add moisture to the air can help loosen mucus in your chest and throat. Just remember to clean it regularly to keep bacteria away.
Nasal Irrigation Rinsing your nose with a saline solution or a neti pot can get rid of extra mucus and clear up congestion.
Avoid Irritants Stay away from things like cigarette smoke, air pollution, and strong chemical smells. They can make you produce more mucus and feel more stuffed up.