Your Tongue Health And Deciphering Its Health Clues

Oral Thrush: This common problem is caused by too much Candida yeast, leading to a white coating or patches that can be uncomfortable. People with weak immune systems, diabetes, or who wear dentures are more likely to get it.

Leukoplakia: Thick, white patches that can’t be scraped off. Usually benign, but it can sometimes mean a risk for oral cancer. It’s often seen in people who use tobacco or drink a lot of alcohol.

  1. A Red or Glossy Tongue

If your tongue is red, swollen, or glossy, it might be due to vitamin deficiencies or other conditions.

Nutritional Deficiencies: A bright red or smooth tongue could mean you’re lacking important vitamins like B12 and folic acid. These nutrients are key for tongue health, and without them, you can get glossitis where the tongue swells and changes color.

Geographic Tongue: This harmless condition has red, map-like patches with white borders on the tongue. The patches can change over time. Its cause isn’t clear, but it might be linked to genetics or the environment.