Rats in the Toilet: This is What You Should Do Immediately

Call for Backup: This is definitely a job for the pros. Pest control experts can handle the situation with the right tools and safety measures.

Dealing with a Dead Rat: If the rat is already dead, put on gloves to take it out of the bowl, put it in a sealed bag, and get rid of it properly. And don’t forget to disinfect every surface in the bathroom (okay, maybe not every single surface in a mile radius, but you get the idea).

Don’t Flush: Whether it’s dead or alive, flushing the rat is a really bad idea. It’s cruel if it’s still alive, and it could cause major plumbing problems either way.

Prevent Future Intruders: After dealing with the immediate issue, think about installing a non-return valve in your sewer system. This little gadget lets waste go out but keeps rodents from coming in.