Eat Fish for Skin Fish like trout, salmon, and tuna, rich in omega-3s, and veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and beans are great for young skin. They stop advanced glycation end-products that cause early wrinkles.
Sex for Youthful Glow “Sex brings blood to the skin, dilates pupils, and gives a youthful look,” says sex therapist Sandor Gardos. The post-sex glow is real.
Sleep Early Going to bed an hour earlier gives you energy like two cups of coffee. Less than six hours of sleep can slow you down like a.05 blood-alcohol level, says former NASA sleep scientist Mark Rosekind. If you can’t sleep, eat cherries or drink cherry juice. Texas University research found cherries are a good melatonin source, a sleep aid.
Nap Like an Astronaut A NASA study found a 25-minute nap upped alertness by 54 percent and performance by 34 percent. Even short naps help memory and learning.