This is funny hand…It Just for fun.

  • Tidy Your Fingers
    Rough hands and bitten nails show age. People notice hands like shoes. Trim nails with a clipper and file burrs. Rub olive oil on hands. It’s a natural moisturizer and softens cuticles. Use hand lotion too. A Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology study found it helps wrinkled hands via urea, which fades lines.
  • Oats for Energy
    Have a power breakfast of oatmeal (not sugary instant kind) with nuts, raisins, sesame seeds, and low-fat milk. The carbs and protein fuel you for hours. Wash it down with two glasses of orange juice. An Alabama University study found 400 mg of vitamin C (in a pint of OJ) cuts stress hormone secretion.
  • Use Retinol
    Retinol, a vitamin A form, in cream peels dead skin cells, showing fresh skin. It’s over-the-counter. Use a pea-sized amount for the face. Dermatologists warn, especially for sensitive skin. Test on your forearm first. If it stings or burns, stop.