This is funny hand…It Just for fun.

  • Skip Meals Sometimes
    Intermittent fasting (a day or two a week with under 500 calories) speeds up HGH production. HGH boosts collagen, giving younger-looking skin.
  • B12 for Brain
    Vitamin B12 lowers homocysteine (an artery plaque-promoting amino acid) and may prevent depression and boost cognition. As you age, your body absorbs less B12 from food. If you’re 50 or older, take 1 mg daily, says Edward L. Schneider.
  • Prep Your Face
    Use gels or creams with chamomile oil to banish under-eye circles. Soak cotton balls in a 50/50 ice water and cold milk mix. It reduces inflammation and contracts. As you age, acne-causing oil glands stop, leaving dry skin. After shaving, use a moisturizer. Or make your own: Mix a teaspoon of honey with 1/4 cup of yogurt, apply, and rinse after 15 minutes. The yogurt hydrates, and the honey fixes small tears. Apply to a wet face. Moisturizers trap water for absorption.