William’s new role means he’s in charge of Harry’s former unit. In 2008, Harry completed his Army Air Corps “Grading” and Pilot’s Selection Board interview, and trained as an Army Air Corps pilot in 2009. Harry’s old bio (before being removed from the official royal family website) said, “On successful completion of that Army Pilots Course, Prince Harry was selected to train on the Apache Attack Helicopter. On the same day, it was announced that Prince Harry received his provisional wings from his father.” Charles was colonel-in-chief at the time, making the ceremony special for Harry.
The news of William’s new role came when public interest was high, partly because of the tense relationship between Harry and his father. Speculation about whether they talked or not during Harry’s recent UK trip shows how complicated royal relationships can be.
During Harry’s latest visit, he and King Charles didn’t meet because of the king’s “full programme”. But Harry said he “hopes to see him soon”.
Despite the strained ties with the royal family, Harry said he was happy to be back in the UK. He called the event “amazing” and praised Scotty’s for the support they give to children. Harry told the BBC, “The more opportunity you get to do these kinds of events, the more the families and kids know this place exists which is really the most important thing.”