9 Best Exercises for a Slim & Slender Body in 30 Days 

Dumbbell Rows. Woman performing dumbbell row exercise.

Dumbbell rows are great for upper back, improving strength, posture, and stability while toning arms, lats, and mid-back.

To do it, stand hip-width apart, hold dumbbell in right hand. Bend hips and knees, put left hand on bench or knee for support, let dumbbell hang. Engage core, retract right shoulder blade, lift dumbbell to ribcage like crushing fruit in armpit. Lower slowly, control and avoid shrugging. Do target reps, then switch sides.

Dumbbell Chest Presses. Woman doing dumbbell chest press exercises for upper-body strength on workout bench.

Last but not least, the dumbbell chest press. It’s a compound exercise for chest, shoulders, and triceps, developing upper-body strength and tone.

To do it, lie on flat bench with dumbbells in each hand, palms forward, feet flat. Place dumbbells at chest level, elbows at 90-degree angle. Engage core, press dumbbells up, fully extend arms, keep wrists stable. Lower slowly.